
Stock code:002381

Double Arrow Listed in Green Factories


Recently, the list of green factories in Zhejiang Province in 2020 was announced by the Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang. Double Arrow was successfully included in the 79 companies with its completed infrastructure, advanced management system, sufficient resource input, excellent products, and controlled disposal emission, etc.

"Green factory" refers to a factory that has achieved intensive of workshops, harmless raw materials, clean production, waste recycling, and low-carbon energy. According to appraisal requirements, the green factory should introduce the concept of full life cycle under the premise of ensuring product function, quality and occupational health and safety in the production process, and give priority to select green raw materials, processes, technologies and equipment, and meet the "General Principles of Green Factory Evaluation”(GB/T36132-2018) and other comprehensive requirements of evaluation standards, and continuous improve.

In recent years, Double Arrow actively promotes the construction of a green manufacturing system, carries out a green development strategy, advocates green, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and low-carbon business concepts, also formed a group to lead the implementation of the green factory system and green production plans in terms of energy saving, pollution reduction, new product development, technological innovation, and formulates a green factory management manual, etc.

In the future, Double Arrow will continue to follow the path of green development and further promote the construction of an efficient, clean, low-carbon, circular green manufacturing system to realize the green development in the company's full life cycle.


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